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[That's only a place holder name btw]

I'm gonna have some trouble explaining the premise for this project in a bit more detail because it requires me to explain some of the worldbuilding, but I'm gonna try my best:
Basically, in hell, there are demons and there are humans who died and went to hell for doing bad shit. The humans all live on this tiny island where they're almost completely isolated from the rest of hell and punished for their sins by having to live a shitty life for all eternity, while the demons all live on the "main land" where they maintain their own functioning society. They have a caste system in place and their government structure is like, an aristocracy-type thing where the members of the highest caste rule over all of hell together and they're essentially the only ones allowed to hold positions of power. One day, all of those demons from the highest caste just disappear and no one knows what happened and chaos breaks out, because everyone realizes that there's a huge power vacuum now and they want to take advantage of that and try and take over hell. The main character is a human who manages to catch wind of all that and goes to escape the island because she also wants to take over hell.
Those are like, the basics.

The way I'm currently conceptualizing the demon main land is as this edgy steampunk kinda place (I wanna have different types of demons and different cultures and stuff, but that's the overarching aesthetic I want to go for) and the human island is essentially just one big really poor neighborhood. I want to make all of hell really anachronistic because I think purposeful anachronisms are incredibly sick and I wanna see more of them in fiction.